Thursday, November 16, 2017

a comeback post

so, i realize that it has been over a year since my last post, but this is my comeback post!!!

what's happened since my last post?

1.  got pregnant when zoe was 18ish months old.
2.  zoe started school at the local montessori.  GAH that was hard.  one month of crying, some notes about scratching, and her first halloween parade later, she loves school.  yass!
3.  had another baby.  one more life, just laying around the house.  nbd.  jk, she is a big deal.  rue is the bee's knees.  the sht. the cutest baby of all time. except that she is tied with zoe, obvi.
4.  zoe has entered her...what do they call it, "terrible twos?"  even though zoe is 2, she reminds me a lot of myself-- at 15.  not listening, wanting to wear clothes that i don't particularly approve of, wanting a phone, getting notes home from teachers.  she's also so dang smart and funny and WILD and sweet and so good to little sister.  she's my little sour patch kid, first a little sour, but so so so sweet on the inside (and super cute to boot).
5.  WE GOT A TRAMPOLINE.  a childhood dream achieved.
6.  this may not be a big deal to anyone else, but we did some home reno and we now have a master bathroom.  we thought about putting a lock on our pocket door, but decided against it.  note to self and all other parents out there:  GET THE LOCK.  ALWAYS GET THE LOCK.  the bathroom is great tho, like stepping into a clean modern hotel.  walk in shower, floor to ceiling tiles, lots of white and marble, black and brass fixtures, and the most luxurious of all, zoe's toys and used pull ups on the floor (yes, it is work to put the pull up in the trash can right away).
7.  started sleep training rue today.  sorry rue, no tears this time.  with zoe, i cried, ended up in fetal position in front of the baby monitor.  I LOVE YOU, RUE.
8.  we got a new car.  its not new anymore, bc i haven't written in a while, but its still newish.  we got a subaru outback.  we love it.  it has all the bells and whistles (helloooo back up camera.  i know, old tech, but new to me), but still feels practical and spacious enough to accommodate 2 growing kids.
9.  after living 17 amazing years, our kitty, darra, died.  she had kidney failure and wasn't living her best life anymore, so we let her go.  we miss her, but we were lucky to have her.  her photo is hung in zoe's room and time to time zoe still says, "that's darra!"  she'll always be our kitty.
10.  after a lot of life adjustments, including, but not limited to all that is written above, i'm still standing.  i'm here!

im going back to work in about a month or so, but i do want to keep writing or whatever this is.  its fun sharing life w ya'll, however rare these posts may be. heh heh. see you back here soon.

some photos of life from the past couple months:

zoe had so much fun w her cuzzies riley and oli


day one w baby two

excuse my nasty armpit



zoe and cuzzie xander twinning at knott's

zoe's obsessed w princesses now.  
still reenacts trick or treating

rue and zoe in the same beanie around the same age 
(rue's a but younger than zoe was the photo below)

on my birthday

daddy's girls

already in the jumper!

rolled over for the first time at 3 months

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