Tuesday, January 27, 2015

buy buy buy baby

4/52  21 weeks
daily 6:15 am departure to work, still dark. sigh.
babykrew is SO active!


when i decided to start this blog, i had these grand ideas about writing one post a day, taking and posting beautiful/arty photos about really, really interesting things, and provide brilliant insights for my adoring blogger audience.  and then winter break ended. 

today is tuesday and this post was actually meant for yesterday, but i couldn't get my ass off the couch to write a post. so i didnt.  HOW DO BLOGGERS DO THIS ALL THE TIME?  oh right, this is their job.  nevertheless, i actually love writing on here.  and i still intend to try to write about interesting things, take rad photos, and provide insights for my adoring blogger audience (loosely used term, obvi), but im having a ton of fun just writing and chronicling this time in my life.


over the weekend, jake and i went to buy buy baby.  wow.  this place.
we decided to create a registry and scan a whole bunch of stuff we know nothing about.  it was super fun (slightly overwhelming)! jake and i spent the most time in the stroller department.  we test drove them, folded them, opened them, went back and forth about which one to get, and we ended up deciding on the Uppa Baby Cruz.  any thoughts on this stroller?  i loved watching jake try to figure out how to fold and open the strollers.  it was cute.

this was our first time shopping for babykrew and it was exciting; we both left feeling warm and fuzzy.

uppa baby cruz and jakers looking apprehensive

me thinking, "this is the one!!!"

with all this stuff we're going to have to acquire, i've decided that i need to purge A LOT of my current stuff, mainly items from my closet (i have problems. shopping problems).  i think i'll start posting a few items a week to see if anyone is interested in purchasing (at a VERY minimal price) anything from my closet.  stay tuned!   :)