Friday, January 30, 2015


don't get bangs unless you have time to do something with them.  
i have no such time.  


i cut my bangs because i wanted to cover up my blossoming acne on my forehead (fringe benefits), but of course, as soon as i cut them, my acne disappeared -.-

i wake up like the above photo every morning.  FUN.  luckily, i think due to pregnancy, my hair is growing at a really speedy rate so i can part them, pin them, or pull them behind a headband of some sort.


sooooo to kick off my pregnancy closet cleanout, i decided to take tina's advice and do a GIVEAWAY (i guess if nobody is interested in the giveaway, ill know to just send my stuff to goodwill HAHAHAHA),  just so you all can get a taste of what's to come.  so here is the piece!

Steven Alan 3/4 button down. size small.  slightly boyfriend fit.  only worn once or twice. 
perfect for spring :)

i have a TON more things that i'd like to giveaway/sell.  SO. if you'd like to take this baby home, FOLLOW me on Instagram @krew_crew, LIKE this photo, and REPOST this on your own account with hashtag #krewcrewclosetcleanout.  winner will be announced on my Instagram account next FRIDAY.

post post post!!!

have a lovely weekend, thanks for coming over!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

buy buy buy baby

4/52  21 weeks
daily 6:15 am departure to work, still dark. sigh.
babykrew is SO active!


when i decided to start this blog, i had these grand ideas about writing one post a day, taking and posting beautiful/arty photos about really, really interesting things, and provide brilliant insights for my adoring blogger audience.  and then winter break ended. 

today is tuesday and this post was actually meant for yesterday, but i couldn't get my ass off the couch to write a post. so i didnt.  HOW DO BLOGGERS DO THIS ALL THE TIME?  oh right, this is their job.  nevertheless, i actually love writing on here.  and i still intend to try to write about interesting things, take rad photos, and provide insights for my adoring blogger audience (loosely used term, obvi), but im having a ton of fun just writing and chronicling this time in my life.


over the weekend, jake and i went to buy buy baby.  wow.  this place.
we decided to create a registry and scan a whole bunch of stuff we know nothing about.  it was super fun (slightly overwhelming)! jake and i spent the most time in the stroller department.  we test drove them, folded them, opened them, went back and forth about which one to get, and we ended up deciding on the Uppa Baby Cruz.  any thoughts on this stroller?  i loved watching jake try to figure out how to fold and open the strollers.  it was cute.

this was our first time shopping for babykrew and it was exciting; we both left feeling warm and fuzzy.

uppa baby cruz and jakers looking apprehensive

me thinking, "this is the one!!!"

with all this stuff we're going to have to acquire, i've decided that i need to purge A LOT of my current stuff, mainly items from my closet (i have problems. shopping problems).  i think i'll start posting a few items a week to see if anyone is interested in purchasing (at a VERY minimal price) anything from my closet.  stay tuned!   :)

Monday, January 19, 2015

It's a...


me & jake at around 1-2 yrs old. 
jake's amazing jewfro <3

happy MLK day!  glad to have the day off and sleep more.  actually i do this on all days.  its still good tho.

BIG NEWS for the zeitlin family...

jake and i were shocked and ecstatic to find out that we were having a baby, whom we ached and prayed for for many, many moons.  this week, we found out the sex of our baby and again, we were shocked and ecstatic about the news.  

we were shocked because we went to an imaging center at 12 weeks because we were SO curious and heard that technicians could tell us the sex as early as 12 weeks. we went and the tech told us a certain sex.  we were overjoyed.  not because it was one or another, but just to know what it was.  for the past 2 months we were calling the baby by a certain pronoun and having fun thinking of names etc.

come my 2nd trimester scan (dr said the baby looks perfectly healthy, thank you God!!) and the tech at kaiser tells us the opposite!!!  


this was followed by me asking her to check like 10 more times and then she called in another tech (i guess i looked THAT shocked).  that tech also confirmed the sex.  i laughed hysterically and then was on my merry way, in silence.  

it was such a weird feeling, not a bad one, just weird.  i had to reconfigure so many thoughts in my mind.  i think it took a day to process.  jake and i decided to go back to the imaging center to get his opinion and he, once again, confirmed that we are having a baby GIRL. he said this was only his 3rd time ever being incorrect from an early scan (same guy who told us we were having a boy at 12 weeks).  i've known plenty of people who have done early scans and all of their scans were correct, so i had no reason to doubt our 12 week scan.  

BUT with all that said, we are SO excited to have a baby girl!!!  UNREAL.  

can ya'll help us take care of her so she doesn't end up wearing short shorts from a&f and show cleavage before the age of 21 (or ever)? thanks in advance.  :)

babykrew 3/52 
20 weeks
girl is totally rocking out in there!
she's 10 inches already, such a trip.


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

byebye winter break

2/52 belly getting quite large
19 weeks & change.  nausea subsided.  YAS!!!

school resumed this week.  sigh.  it was good while it lasted though.  last winter, jake and i went to e. asia to visit family and sight see, but this winter we opted to stay home and just relax.  going back to school wasn't as brutal as i thought it'd be, though i'm sure jake has some words to say about my 5am alarm and 2 (sometimes 3) snoozes every morning. heeeee

today, i came home to this:

initial fear: RATS. AGAIN. but no, it was darra.  i was so annoyed because i just bought this loaf 2 days ago.  i can't get myself to just throw out the half eaten ones and keep the rest, so i just threw the whole thing away.  i was actually salivating over the idea of a pbj as an afternoon snack, so i was more annoyed than i normally would be about something like this.  just as i was thinking, "we buy her gourmet cat food..." blah blah blah, i look at her food bowl and its empty.  wahhhhhhhhh we forgot to feed her this morning.  oops.  this actually happens more often that i'd like to admit, but she must have been STARVING today.  i felt terrible.  TERRIBLE.  but then i wiped a dingleberry off her butt and we called it even.

i didn't know where this post was going, but i certainly didn't expect it to go there.  but it did.

come back tomorrow? :)

darra z.  professional snoozer

Friday, January 9, 2015

fringe benefits


Every couple years or so I cut bangs.  Immediately after (almost every time i cut bangs) I have a moment of panic and regret, but this time was different.  As noted before, my skin has reacted to my preg hormones and has decided to go back to middle school/hs level acne on my forehead.  Originally, I wasn't going to cut short bangs, but after incessantly pinning Alexa Chung photos on my board, I decided to just go for it.  I guess the problem is, well, its not really a problem, but I AM NOT ALEXA CHUNG.  surprise! I still like the cut though and, more importantly, my forehead is now safely covered.

babykrew getting big

Thursday, January 8, 2015


breakfast for the last week

Last summer, I started a gluten/soy/dairy/all-things-yummy free diet per my acupuncturist's request (err directive).  I started seeing her because I wanted to seek a more natural fertility journey (more on this in a later, way later, post), but the first thing she told me to do was to change my diet to more or less to shock my system and get rid of all the toxins, mainly GLUTEN.

At first, I allowed myself to cheat time to time, but I realized (and was told by the acuist) that if I wanted to "see results" then I would have to be 100%.  After about 2 weeks, I was getting used to the diet.  Was I happy? No.  But I have to admit, my body never felt better.  I always thought I had a weak stomach because I got stomachaches really often, but on this diet, I don't recall having an upset stomach.  Ever!  It was pretty amazing.  Then I actually did "see results" (ummm if you want my acuist's number, email me!!!).

I found out I was pregnant in September.  The emotions tied to this event deserve a post of its own, so I won't elaborate on this yet.

I continued my diet, semi-happily (because I never reached the point of "I don't crave bread anymore," I was always at "When I'm done with this diet, I'm gonna eat a WHOLE french loaf with a stick of butter.")  until about my 10th week of pregnancy.  I had started feeling sick at week 7 or so and couldn't really hold anything down.  People recommended the BRAT (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast) diet, but bananas were out of the question (gag), was so sick of rice, forgot about the applesauce, and toast, well, gluten.

After week 10, I kept telling jake, ALL I WANT IS A PIECE OF TOAST AND JAM!!!  I think I yelled at jake a lot during this time.  oops.

From the photo of the scrumptious bagel up top, you can see that I started eating gluten again.  At 12 weeks, I caved and blamed the baby for wanting bread.  On Thanksgiving, I ate a Kings Hawaiian roll and it was all over.  I started getting bad stomachaches for the next week or so, but since then have somewhat subsided.  I know there are all of those articles on FB saying that non-celiac gluten sensitivity is complete bullshit, but I don't think thats true.  I truly think my body doesn't like gluten and I think once I have the baby, I'm going to try to eat a little less of it.  But for now...

last night's dinner.  best chicken pot pie EVER from the Bake 'n Broil in LB.

has anyone else tried a gluten free diet? how did it go?

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

81 in January

Granted, by Saturday, it'll be back down to 66 degrees [burrrrr] but today is 81 degrees in Long Beach.  I'm not wearing socks today.  YAS!!

Even though the weather is warm today, our house, 1920's w no insulation, no central heat, and broken floor furnace, has been freezing this year.  Cold weather plus preg hormones have done a number to my skin.  My skin has already been breaking out like mad on my face bc of hormones (i think), but the dry skin is all over.   I've been using a few item to help remedy this, but still haven't found the perfect concoction of products.

1.  Trader Joe's Coconut Oil:  Been using this on my face and hands before I go to bed, if I wash my face.  I need to work on that this year.

2.  Josie Maran Argan Oil:  Use this every morning after toner before moisturizer.

3.  Josie Maran Moisturizer w SPF:  I really like Josie Maran products, but I think this moisturizer isn't thick enough for me during the winter.  I love the way it smells like fruit roll-ups though.

4.  The Honest Co. Organic Body Oil:  I use this all over my body right out of the shower.  Absorbs well, no scent.

5.  Mama Mio Tummy Rub Butter:  My mom got a bunch of stretch marks when she was pregnant and since she and I have very similar skin, I'm trying to prevent them as much as possible (though I feel like stretch marks may be inevitable for me and thats ok, i guess).  So I use this stuff all over my belly, chest, lower back, butt, thighs, and upper arms.  And this is AFTER I use the body oil.  I used 2 tubs in a month.  I might have to find a cheaper alternative.  So far, no stretch marks.

Would love some more suggestions.  Anybody out there?

Monday, January 5, 2015

2014, what a year.


I really have no clue as to who is going to read this, if anyone, but I'm here.  I wanted to chronicle this time in my life because big changes are a comin'.

2014 was spent, fully and completely.  I learned a lot, but I'm ready to start anew.  Like now.   

While I was in grad school, there was this ridiculous guy who would say things like, "Don't say things in a passive manner like, 'I think I want to be superintendent,' you need to say, 'I will be superintendent.'"  eyeroll.  And when you go to Cafe Gratitude and order a "Nourished," the server responds by saying, "You are nourished."  double eyeroll. 

But I think I [kind of] get it now.  

Its ok to want; its ok to say that aloud.  Its also ok to not have everything you ever dreamed of and its especially ok to not be happy about that.  Its also ok to get what you've always wanted as well.  

I'm starting 2015 grateful, but also reflective because I know that I was a pretty miserable person for the larger part of 2014.  oops.   

'bout those big changes...

I've been a blog fanatic for some time now and I've transitioned from fashion blogs to family/lifestyle blogs in the past couple of years and have always loved the "one photo a week for 52 weeks" threads.  I think its amazing to see the transformation of a person or a family in the course of a year.  

so here's my first photo of the year. 1/52

babykrew 18 weeks